Student Aid BC: Section 5 - Study Period Information

Student Aid BC

Section 5 - Study Period Information

Tuesday 11 June 2024 02:26 PM UTC+00
Section 5 - Study Period Information

Q45. Between the date classes start and the date classes end, will you be on a co-op / paid work term?

Students in co-op placements and paid work terms will be eligible for StudentAid BC funding if they are working 32 hours or more per week. If you will be on an approved co-op/paid work term during your study period, answer "YES." If you will be attending school for two semesters and may be in a co-op/paid work term in your second semester, submit a separate StudentAid BC application for each semester of study.

Q46. While you are in school, will you be living with your parent(s) / step-parent / sponsor / legal guardian or living in a home owned or rented by them?

While attending school, were you or do you expect to be living in a home owned or rented by your parent(s)/step-parent/sponsor/legal guardian? If so, select "YES." If you are or will be living in a self-contained suite in your parent(s)/step-parent/sponsor or legal guardian's home and paying fair market rent on a consistent basis throughout your study period, select "NO".

A self-contained suite is defined as having its own separate entrance, kitchen, bathroom and living area/bedroom and you are responsible for your share of the utilities (hydro, telephone, cable, etc.).

Note: You may be required to provide documentation of monthly rental payments.

Appeal Option

If you are living with your parent(s)/step-parent/sponsor/legal guardian and paying room and board costs, select "YES". To have these costs considered on your assessment you must submit an Appeal Request form for Room and Board.

Q47. Day-care costs that you incur for your child(ren) age 11 years or under. Do not include child-care subsidy amount, only the amount you pay. Only one parent may claim these day-care costs.

Day-care costs are costs paid to a caregiver to care for a student's child(ren) aged 11 years or under, to enable the student and spouse or common-law partner to attend classes or to work during the study period. If a spouse or common-law partner is at home caring for the student's dependent child(ren) during the study period, you cannot claim day-care costs. Enter the day-care costs you will incur (be responsible for) for your child(ren) aged 11 or under. Do not include the amount of any Child Care Subsidy you may receive, only the amount you pay. Do not include costs declared by your spouse/common-law partner on Appendix 2, as only one parent may claim these costs. Do not include food, shelter or clothing costs. These are covered under a moderate standard of living calculation used in the assessment process.

Q48. Child support and / or spousal support that you pay.

Enter child support and/or spousal support payments made by you during your study period. This includes court-ordered or other arranged monthly payments.

Q49. If you must relocate to a different city to attend school and you will return home at least once during your study period, what is the cost of one return trip home?

Return transportation assists eligible students to return home to visit during the study period, or move back home when classes finish. (This does not include daily transportation costs.) Provide the cost of one return trip. The allowance will be calculated based on the length of your program. You are expected to travel as economically as possible. This travel allowance includes the price of fuel for those students travelling home in their own vehicle; however, this allowance does not cover vehicle loan payments, vehicle insurance or maintenance costs.

Appeal Option
If you travel more than one hour each way to attend school, you may qualify for the additional transportation allowance.

Q50. Enter your reported total income from line 15000 of your 2023 Income Tax Return. This income will be matched with Canada Revenue Agency records, which may affect your assessment of need and/or grant eligibility. If you did not file a 2023 Income Tax Return, enter your total income from all sources both inside AND outside of Canada.

Enter the amount from line 15000 of your 2023 income tax return. The amount you report will be checked against Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) records. If the amount you report is different from CRA records, CRA data will be used in your need assessment calculation and/or to determine your grant eligibility. If your previous year total income (as reported on Line 15000 of your 2023 tax return) changes, a reassessment of your financial assistance application will be required. StudentAid BC receives regularly updated information from CRA and may, after the point of initial StudentAid BC application assessment, compare income amount(s) declared on the application against CRA records, to ensure that your financial need and/or grant eligibility remains up-to-date and accurate.

If you did not file a Canadian Income Tax Return for 2023, enter your total 2023 income from all sources both inside and outside Canada, which includes employment, pension investment, rental, RRSP, foster parent, net professional income, workers' compensation, employment insurance and disability assistance. Convert foreign currency into Canadian dollars.

Note: Your assessment of financial need, including eligibility for Canada Student Grants, will be based on your 2023 (prior year) income.

Q51. Merit-based scholarships or needs-based bursaries, including provincial government scholarships.

A scholarship is an award given to a student who has demonstrated high academic standing. A bursary is an award given to a student who has demonstrated financial need. If you know you will be receiving a scholarship or a needs-based bursary, enter the total amount. If you have received a Passport to Education or Provincial Scholarship include these as well. If you will be receiving a Nurses Education Bursary, a Learning for Future Grant, or funding through the Youth Educational Assistance Fund Transition Plan, do not include these amounts, as they are exempt from assessment.

Q52. Funding you will receive, or you are contributing, to help meet specific educational costs.

Enter the funding you will receive to help meet specific educational costs towards your education during this study period.

(a) Government funding (e.g., EI training allowance, social assistance payments intended to cover education-related costs)

(a) Include funding received from federal or provincial governments for your education, not including StudentAid BC funding, First Nations band funding, Treaty First Nations income or Post-secondary Student Support (PSSSP) funding, Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy funding, or Métis Nation Post-Secondary Education Strategy funding, all of which are not considered in the assessment of resources.

(b) Non-government (private sector) funding (e.g. employer)

(b) Funding received from all other non-government sources for your education (e.g. employers, charities, religious organizations, sponsors, etc.). A number of organizations, agencies and employers provide sponsorship for tuition and books. If you are receiving sponsorship, enter the total amount you will receive for your entire study period on this question.

(c) Voluntary monetary contributions from parent(s)/step-parent/sponsor/legal guardian



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