Student Aid BC: Section 4 - Dependant Information

Student Aid BC

Section 4 - Dependant Information

Tuesday 11 June 2024 02:25 PM UTC+00
Section 4 - Dependant Information

Q44. Do you have any eligible dependants?

This section applies to independent students only. If you are a dependent student answer 'NO.' Read definition of "dependent or independent" in Question 38.

For StudentAid BC purposes, eligible dependants are any dependants for whom you receive the Canada Child Benefit or for whom you claim a benefit on your 2023 income tax return. To be eligible, a dependant must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • be your child(ren) and/or your spouse/common-law partner's child(ren) under 19 years of age as of the start of your classes, for whom you have custody, or provide care (they live with you), at least two full days per week during your entire study period; or
  • be your child(ren) and/or your spouse/common-law partner's child(ren) age 19 or over who are full-time dependent students (read definition of dependent status in Question 38); or
  • be your permanently disabled child(ren) and/or your spouse/common-law partner's permanently disabled child(ren) age 19 or over, who you fully support and declared on your 2023 income tax return; or
  • be your permanently disabled spouse/common-law partner who you fully support and declared on your 2023 income tax return; or
  • be your foster child(ren), if foster parent income is also claimed on this application; or
  • be your elderly relatives and/or your spouse/common-law partner's elderly relatives who you fully support and have declared on your 2023 income tax return.

If you have more than four eligible dependants, include a separate sheet listing all required information about each additional dependant.

Note: If you are expecting a child, please submit an Appendix 7 – Request for Reassessment after the birth of the child and attach a copy of the birth certificate.



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