Emergency Info BC: BC Emergency Alert: Evacuation Order for parts of Osoyoos and surrounding area due to wildfire. July 29, 2023.

Emergency Info BC

Government of British Columbia

BC Emergency Alert: Evacuation Order for parts of Osoyoos and surrounding area due to wildfire. July 29, 2023.

Monday 31 July 2023 11:30 PM UTC+00 | Tags: emergency-alert wildfire-2023

On Saturday, June 29, 2023, at 2227, a BC Emergency Alert announcing an Evacuation Order was issued by the Town of Osoyoos and the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen due to wildfire. Impacted residents should evacuate the area immediately. An Evacuation Alert has also been issued for nearby areas (details below).

BC Emergency Alert Message

BC EMERGENCY ALERT issued by Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen and Town of Osoyoos due to the Lone Pine Creek wildfire.

Evacuation Order area Town of Osoyoos and the RDOS, bounded by West of Highway 97, South of Highway 3 and East of Nighthawk Rd, north of the USA border.

The Lone Pine Creek wildfire poses a threat to life safety.

Evacuate immediately if you are in the Evacuation Order area to Oliver Recreation Centre, 6359 Park Dr., Oliver, BC. If you are unable to evacuate, call 9-1-1. Go to www.emergencyinfobc.ca/29jul23 for more information.

Evacuation Order & Recommended Actions

Refer to the Evacuation Order (PDF) map to confirm if this Evacuation Order applies to you:

If you are in the impacted area:

  1. Stop what you are doing and follow the directions provided.
  2. Follow all instructions from local officials.
  3. ESS Emergency Reception Centre: Evacuees should register at the local reception centre at Oliver Community Center at 6359 Park Dr., Oliver, BC.
  4. If you are on an Evacuation ALERT or ORDER, or if you have been displaced from your home due to an emergency, please self-register for ESS. Evacuee Registration & Assistance (ERA): ess.gov.bc.ca
  5. For ESS Support by phone, call 250-486-1890
  6. Do not call 9-1-1 for additional information. Only call 9-1-1 if you are unable to evacuate.
  7. What to do when and Evacuation ORDER is issued?

Evacuation Alert & Recommended Actions

Refer to the Evacuation Alert (PDF) map to confirm if this Evacuation Alert applies to you:

Follow all directions from officials:

  1. If you are in the area under Evacuation Alert, be ready to leave on short notice.
  2. Review your emergency plan and stock your grab-and-go-bag.
  3. If you are on an Evacuation ALERT or ORDER, or if you have been displaced from your home due to an emergency, please self-register for ESS. Evacuee Registration & Assistance (ERA): ess.gov.bc.ca
  4. What to do when an Evacuation ALERT is issued?

Refer to the Evacuation Alert (PDF) for information specific to your community.

This BC Emergency Alert was broadcast on TV, radio and to compatible and connected cell phones in and near the impacted area. These messages are geographically targeted, but may also reach residents in surrounding areas. If you are not in the affected area, disregard this Emergency Alert.

The post BC Emergency Alert: Evacuation Order for parts of Osoyoos and surrounding area due to wildfire. July 29, 2023. first appeared on EmergencyInfoBC.
  • emergency-alert
  • wildfire-2023


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